Swiss Prime International Ltd., 

  1. Your client advisor: works for Swiss Prime International Ltd, Alpenstrasse 14, CH-6300 Zug
  2. Swiss Prime International Ltd. is an independent financial intermediary, registered with and supervised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) under member number F01112848.
  3. Swiss Prime International Ltd. maintains collaborative contracts with the following insurers, pension providers, or healthcare providers, among others
    Allianz Worldwide care CSS Versicherung PAX
    Allianz-Suisse Dextra PensExpert
    Animalia die Mobiliar Pensionskasse Pro
    Ardan Epona Profond
    Assura Europäische Reise Versicherung Protekta
    AXA-ARAG Fortuna Rechtsschutz Sanitas
    AXA-Leben Generali Simpego
    AXA-Versicherungen Group Mutuel
    Baloise Versicherung Helsana Swica
    Baloise-Anlagestiftung Helvetia Swiss Life
    Baloise-Leben Innova Sympany
    Bank Zweiplus Julius Baer Vaudoise
    CIGNA Liberty Vontobel
    Concordia Liechtenstein Life Zugerberg Finanz AG
    Coop Rechtsschutz Orion Zurich
  4. Swiss Prime International AG cooperates with the above-mentioned companies, depending on the insurance needs of the client in all insurance classes. Swiss Prime International AG is compensated by the insurers with the customary brokerage commissions.
  5. Swiss Prime International AG works on behalf of its clients in accordance with the services agreed in the “Broker Mandate”.
  6. In the event of a complaint: As our client, you are always assured of our commitment to sound and impartial financial advice. Nevertheless, should an error occur, we will do everything possible to resolve this to your entire satisfaction. As required by article 45, ISA, Swiss Prime International Ltd. can be held responsible in the event of errors, negligence, incorrect information, or erroneous financial advice. Swiss Prime International Ltd. maintains professional indemnity of CHF 5’000’000 with Allianz-Suisse
  7. Your confidential data: Swiss Prime International Ltd. ensures that its consultants and staff treat your sensitive information with the utmost care and discretion, following the principles of relevant Swiss law. Our data conservation policy is also governed by Swiss law. The use of your personal details, including any and all information provided to us in the scope of our activity as financial consultants, are treated with total confidentiality, and accessed exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling the obligations of our mandate with you. Personal data is generally stored in electronic and/or paper form. All information provided by the customer will be disclosed to third parties only with the express written consent of the customer.
  8. SPI AG typically receives a service fee for the administration of insurance policies, with the compensation amount varying depending on the type of insurance. For completed policies, SPI AG receives a one-time commission, and in some cases, a recurring commission. The compensation amount falls within a narrow range applicable across different providers. Detailed information is available on the website at The client explicitly agrees to waive the right to receive compensation. In return, SPI AG does not charge any consulting fees for its services. SPI AG is always willing to transparently disclose the amount of compensation received upon request.