Exclusive Invitation

Swiss Prime International invites you to our exclusive event for expats

Insurance Broker and Financial Consultants
Location: Powder Tower Zug, Zugerbergstrasse 14
Date: Wednesday 4th of September 2024
Procedure: 17:30 Opening
18:00 Presentations
19:00 Apéro Riche
21:00 The End


18:00 – 18:20 Prof. Dr. Torsten Dennin – Head of Asset Management
Asset Management Switzerland
Topic: Market Outlook
18:20 – 18:40 Cyrill Habegger – Head of Taxes
Topic: The Swiss Tax System for Individuals
18:40 – 19:00 Daniel Knabenhans – Head of Sales
Swiss Prime International
Topic: Making the Best of Your Swiss Time

Please register by latest 18th of August 2024

Limited seats available
Email: info@swiss-prime.ch
Tel: +41 41 729 00 70
